Dear White People, Dear Black People, Dear South African Government… Dear World

16 Apr

The Cost of a "Born-free"

Dear White People: You are not being punished. There isn’t a White Genocide Project. Get over yourselves. You still have your white privilege. Acknowledge your privilege. Understand your privilege. Accept your privilege. You can miss us with your guilt because it’s not conducive to real transformation. You still have a vote. You have everything you had before 1994 except the power to legally control and subject the majority to your weird superiority complexes. Now jump on board; this isn’t an ‘us vs them’ thing. It’s a South African project. We can’t do this effectively without your support and cooperation. We’re trying to build a nation that we can all be proud of. Sulking in a corner and mumbling about how grayyyt life is in Europe is not going to change a damn thing. If you’re not willing to contribute to the dialogue and have meaningful engagement I suggest…

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Red Dragon Wavespell ~ solar moon return

12 Apr

Red Dragon wavespell ❤

flow with jo


Red Dragon Wavespell

Red Solar Moon

Completion in it’s pure form

This is Code 9 in the Mayan Matrix

This is the Gateway to Goddess

and the key

to the sacred feminine coming in through each human being 

This is the day of completion in the Red Solar Moon Year

we are in until July 25th

What happens today to the individual

is very pertinent

to being in balance with our true authentic self

the pure essence of our spirit

underneath all the masks our personality

our ego self

has created

for it’s protection so far in life

and collectively

what the human race has created to protect itself

from the reality of life on earth and other human beings

to shield itself from the truth

of the nature of the ego 

that can be pathological

and a sociopath 

intent on staying alive no matter what the cost

or sacrifice…

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Humanity has been reset – Quan Yin – 4/9/15

10 Apr


You have all just lived through one of the most amazing times of your human history. Your entire world has been reset. No longer are you living under the rules of the old paradigm. In fact, you are now entirely in a world  that you create. Every man, woman, and child is becoming crystalline in nature, regardless of their state of awakening. The more crystalline a person is, the more they project their reality onto all around them, bending their personal reality to suit their desires and creating the lessons that still need to be learned.

For those awakened, this means that you can consciously create the life you want, the one you have dreamed of. For it is these awakened souls that are indeed creating the new earth with every breathe. How can an awakened soul, one in touch with their divinity possibly hurt another intentionally? It is not…

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April 4: COSMIC RESTART ~ Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse/New Galactic Spin Launching a New Dream

4 Apr

Yellow Star Wavespell ~ code personified

31 Mar

Yellow Star wavespell 2015

flow with jo


Yellow Star Wavespell

Last 13 day code of the Matrix

Saw my first rabbit of the year out at the back of the garden 

Lamat is the Mayan name for Yellow Star

and one of the totems is the



The key to this last Wavespell

is seeing how our


Yellow Crystal Star Starcode 01 January 2015

is being allowed to manifest


clear code

which depends on how much self awareness the individual has…

in particular about itself

and the universe the individual lives in

and how much inner alchemical work the individual has done on all levels:




to heal

since the individual’s journey began in this life

to create balance and flow

of the masculine and feminine within

heart and mind


This is revealed by the fruits of those labours now

as to:

How we are living from the heart

How we are living…

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Blue Eagle Wavespell ~ mastery gateways

13 Mar

13 moon sacred calendar – blue eagle waves pellets day 5

flow with jo


Blue Eagle Wavespell

Day 4

White Self Existing Mirror


Today is a mastery code

within a mastery code

in the Green Heart Castle of the Mayan

All number 4 days are structure days

It is the day of structure

of our holographic self 

what our personality construct believes about the world

and so the world experience we live in

reflects it 

There are shared society holographs too 


As I started this blog 

It was Moon In Sagi at 5 degrees

This is key to the time we are in of structure

Saturn in Sagittarius 

It is also key to healing

Chiron Code 

and the power of being in alignment directly with source 

to access source creativity code 

and as we are in a very powerful position


Red Moon Moon


Red Moon Sun 

in the Mayan 260 day Matrix 

This is a key time 

hkuyutrjpg copy

Three women…

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21 Jul

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